Friday, January 28, 2011

Cardboard Recycling

East Coast Martial Arts Supply Store    
     I redirected this pile of all cardboard from a trip to a non-recycling City of Orlando dumpster to my Orange County recycling bins. My friends who run a Marital Arts Supply store will set aside their cardboard if I call ahead.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Laundry Mat

     My laundry mat does not have recycling. So I asked them if I could pull the recycling out of their trash cans when I come in to do my laundry. They were happy to let me do this, I was concerned they would think I was crazy. I pulled out the cardboard, water bottles and soap bottles. I took them home and put them out on my weekly recycling day.

     I pulled out a garbadge bag full of soap bottle, newpapers and soda cans. I took them home for recycling.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Big Econlockhatchee River

     I did a walking clean up of the Big Econlockhatchee River today. I took out a bag of wire, plant pots,beer bottles styrafoam and 18 Cesar Weeds. This was mostly old litter.

     I live half a mile upstream from this "Bridgeout Park". This spot is not really a park it is just where an old road used to cross the river. But people collect there to rope swing, fish, drink and hunt exotic/invasive Wild Boar.
     After new years I went down to Bridgeout Park to pick up some litter and look for exotic plants. I ended up collecting more beer bottles and cans than I could carry. (Top picture). Some little kids joined in on my collecting, often bringing me scary looking pieces of broken beer bottles they had found in the sand while swimming.
     I had to come back the next day to collect the rest (bottom picture). I don't drink alcohol but my recycling bins are full of beer cans. I wonder if my neighbors think I have a serious drinking problem.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1/18/11 A new blog is born!

     When I'm not at my full time Library job, I'm off being an environmental Super Hero. But I dont' want my activities to be secret, so I started this blog. Keep in mind I'm starting this blog 20 years after I started fighing for the earth.
     I volunteer for local parks (patroling for unleashed dogs, removing exotic/invasive plants and animals), I teach free Self-Defense classes, I do Eco-Action waterway cleanups and for volunteer for Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge (Hospital). I bought and guard a 5 1/2 acre Cypress Swamp.